Serving the South Puget Sound since 1990
COVID-19 Facility and Examination Process Update
The Eye Clinic For Animals is open for business. Due to mandates from federal and state governments, to provide safety for you our wonderful clients, referring doctors, and our amazing staff, the number of patients I can see as a sole veterinary ophthalmologist has been reduced. A new examination process which excludes the owner from coming into the clinic has been employed, and only your pet comes into the Eye Clinic For Animals. Let me be honest, this is not the way I want to practice medicine. I miss visiting with you and my staff misses visiting with you. This new process is less efficient. As part of this new process I have instructed my staff to severely limit conversation during the drop off and pick up times of your pet. I can assure you that they are smiling and are friendly as always under their masks. Please do not take offense to this request, it is for your protection as well as theirs. We ask for your understanding and patience during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis.
Depending upon staffing and the governor’s request to preserve medical supplies, we may have some days or procedures rescheduled from time to time. Our staff is using personal protective equipment and we are using strict cleanliness standards as indicated for the COVID-19 crisis. We monitor new information about COVID-19 daily.
IF you have a fever or cough, or have been in contact with someone who has COVID-19, PLEASE call the Eye Clinic to reschedule your appointment. Please do not put my staff, myself, other clients, or yourself at risk. There is a shortage of veterinary ophthalmologists in Washington state, please help keep us and other veterinary clinics open and safe.
Unfortunately, due to this method, we cannot evaluate pets that require muzzling or have extreme separation anxiety and cannot be without their owners.
Make sure you have a charged cell phone, and know your phone number. Bring your pet’s medications (leave in the car), cone if you have one, as well as something to read while you WAIT in your car for your pet’s care. Understand that you will NOT have access to restroom facilities at the Eye Clinic. Take off all pet clothing and harness prior to drop off, unless this is the only method to control your pet or the only way to keep a cone on your pet. If your pet has a cone on, do not remove the cone. Please do not use retractable leashes, however all dogs must be presented with a leash. Cats should be presented in carriers without bedding. Have a Visa, Mastercard or Discover card ready for check out over the phone once the appointment is finished.
We ask that you call us upon arrival and wait in your car. Upon arrival we will explain the process. If you have not heard from us within 10 minutes after arrival call again. Be patient, our call volume has increased dramatically. We have installed an additional phone line and are upgrading our phone system to handle increased volumes.
We will call for you to take your pet to the designated pet drop off and pickup areas. Ask all of your questions over the phone (360) 866-0931, not during the drop off/pickup process. Once again, during the drop off/pickup process I have asked my staff to dramatically reduce conversations, please do not think we are rude. We are trying to minimize your contact with our staff both for your and our safety during this crisis.
We know that this process is not as friendly or as efficient as our previous process. We miss connecting with you and your pet together. We have come to see our clients as an extended family, and learn from all of you as we go through life together. I do not like this new process, however this is necessary due to the highly infectious nature of COVID-19. This new process is to provide for your protection, as well as the protection of my staff and myself so that we can continue to provide patient care. We look forward to having examinations with owners present again in the future, when the COVID-19 crisis is over.
Thank you for your understanding and patience as we comply with federal and state mandates.
Thank you for your loving care of your furry family members.
With much gratitude,
Dr. Pennie Cooley and the Eye Clinic For Animals Staff